Attendance and Routines

Showing up matters for R.E.A.L because it is an opportunity to:

  • Build Routines
  • Increase Engagement
  • Provide Access to resources
  • Support Learning

RoutinesDaily attendance routines can reduce stress, increase your child’s self-confidence, and lay a foundation for good attendance in later grades.

Engagement:  Participation in school helps your child connect with other children and adults and get excited about learning.

Access to Resources:  Schools can give you access to meals, physical and mental health care and other supports, and fun enrichment activities (sports, clubs, music, afterschool, and summer programs, etc.).

Learning:  Children learn best from hand-on activities and through meaningful interactions with their teacher and other students.

We are looking forward to seeing our Moody students tomorrow!


Kristi-Lynn Kurczy

Principal of the Moody Schools